Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (Oscar-Nominated)

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May 2, 2004
This sounds HIDEOUS.

The concept, the cast, the utter TALANT.

Will Ferrell is about as funny as herpes and his appalling schtick in the abysmal and actually homophobic Zoolander films or the ice skating abomination should preclude him from getting anywhere near this subject matter. Ben Stiller can fuck off forever for his contribution to those two too by the way.

Is Eurovision ripe for an insider take on why it's both ludicrous and fabulous :disco: at the same time? For sure. Will Ferrell is entirely unqualified to be part of it though.

I'm FUMING if you can't tell :D
He has spoken about Eurovision quite fondly in the past as his wife is Swedish and I think they live there for part of the year.
I have low expectations but it doesn't do to get too precious about these things. At least it won't be from a dreadful British perspective so we'll likely be spared the jokes about it all being a fix/political etc.

Ferrell was hanging around in Lisbon last year so he's been doing his research at least.
Well maybe you both have higher expectations than me.

If this is anything other than a crude hatchet job, I'll be very glad to be surprised. Let's just say his past work hasn't exactly lent itself to this being viewed positively.
Has anyone ever made a good documentary about Eurovision?

I don’t really have any interest in JESC before you all start, but I think the BBC showed a doc about that around 2011, it was quite touching.
Eurovision is impossible to unpack in a 60 minute show. It’s the kind of thing that needs an over-extended, 8 episode Netflix show that will alienate any casuals but be beloved ever more by those who are invested in it.
This was like a feature length, I guess movie-length. Following some of the contestants from their home towns to the performances.

I really like that in the postcards, especially 2013
Also why ICELAND?

Silvia Night did this in real life like 13 years ago and to absolute PERFECTION at that, UNGRATEFUL BASTARDS. They should've gone with a slut from Holland or an ugly fucking old bitch from Sweden, if anything.
The movie is mostly filmed in Iceland so I guess they got some sort of funding from the Icelandic government or something.

In the arena this year just before one of the semi finals, they played the ‘Russian’ and ‘Icelandic’ songs about 2-3 times and they filmed the audience and we had to react to them. The Russian one sounded like a boy band song and Iceland I think was a male female duo. They weren’t terrible. I do remember singing along to Iceland after the first time though.

It’s only a Netflix movie so it will have a limited audience anyway, and it will probably be a load of fluff, but I don’t get the vitriol. Just don’t watch it.
People are only saying that though because some of it is filmed in her home town. I don’t think it’s been confirmed anywhere that’s it’s based on her, has it?
Was there anything in particular that was notable about Birgitta?
There can’t be many hometowns in Iceland, maybe they just wanted somewhere that wasn’t Reykjavik.

Anyway, quizzical eyebrow raised, I’m interested to see what this will be like. I don’t think the EBU would allow such access if it was just a pisstake, considering how much they want us to think it’s relevant these days
Here’s what I assume is the Icelandic entry. No word on the release date yet:

The "don't watch it if you don't want to" approach always seems like a rather stone COLD take to bring to a discussion lounge.

This still sounds rotten and I look forward to moaning about it ENDLESSLY :D

And an 8 part Netflix documentary sounds better than ever!
This film... Will Ferrell... it's going to be crass parody at best.

I guess it will bring Eurovision even deeper into US culture. I know it has more American fans than it used to, but I don't think it's particularly widespread. I saw a clip of Trixie Martell referring to Celine or ABBA both coming from... and he forgot the word.
I'm just here to see all the Eurovision loons pretend they're not totally here for this.

Every Eurovision fan i've come across has minus expectations for this, are open to being pleasantly surprised but don't think that will be the case.

The issue with parodying Eurovision is that anything that is too self-aware and self-conscious is totally outside the spirit of the contest. It's the difference between "Flying The Flag For You" and "Dancing Lasha Tumbai" - one was desperately trying to be a Eurovision song, the other just IS a Eurovision song. My feeling is that anything that tries too hard to BE Eurovision falls flat.

There is a couple of ways in which I think this could get the fans on board though... taking lessons from the eternal "Love Love Peace Peace", genuinely one of the few successful examples of Eurovision parody. If the movie:

1. comes from a loving rather than a derisory place
2. Is packed with in-jokes and fanwank

... then the fans will probably really enjoy it.
Ah, “Love Love Peace Peace” really was perfect. I need to watch that again!

They could have got Lin Manuel Miranda on board or something (if they could afford him), after his success with those opening songs at the Tony Awards.
Well it comes with Eurovision branding. They're into self aware parody these days. Yeah it needs to be FUN FOR EUROPE rather than LET'S LAUGH AT EUROPE

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