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  • Our Sorrento hotel was called Settimo Cielo. http://www.hotelsettimocielo.com/

    A three star, quite basic but very clean, and with AMAZING views from the balcony and terrace. If you consider it, I'd say ONLY do it if you get a room with a sea view balcony. The rear facing rooms face into the cliff (as the hotel is built into the side of it). It's about a 15/20 minute walk into town from there, or you can get the local bus which was frequent. The hotel didn't have a private shuttle. It was about 13 years ago we went though, so things may have changed.

    You will find better hotels right in the heart of town, but they will probably be more expensive. And you won't have the view. I can honestly say it is the best view I have EVER had. The small harbour below, the whole of the bay of Naples, and then Vesuvius (the volcano) in the distance. We still have a photo of the view up in our hallway.
    sorry rachey for forgetting you

    my reasoning is that you're just so ubiqutous that i didn't feel the need to mention you

    Just an idea for your Italian holiday! The 'basic Italian for dummies' app is only 59p on iTunes at the moment. It's £2.99 usually, I think. I bought it last year before I went to Bologna, and it really is very useful for phrases and menus etc. Plus it actually says some of the words, so you know how they are pronounced. Even if you don't want to try doing any speaking at all, it's really useful for menus and when you're shopping etc.
    That should be lovely! I've never done the Italian lakes. I think you'll be about 20 miles from Verona though, it's not right on the lake. Where you're going is a resort in its own right. That's not to say it won't be gorgeous, I'm sure it will, just that it isn't in the city of Verona. But I'm sure you can get there easy enough on a day trip.
    Where are you going in Italy on holiday? I've seen you post on facebook, but didn't want to ask you there!
    Hello, and thank you for reading this post. You see, there is a starving little boy in Baklaliviatatlaglooshen who has no arms, no legs, no parents, and no goats. This little boy's life could be saved, because for every time you pass this on, a pin will be stuck into a Lulu voodoo doll causing the young boy much happiness.

    Please help and pass this on to 3 other Moopy posters. Lets see how far we can get this to go!
    Rachey, do you know the other day when you, Deliruim and I were discussing dreams? Well I had another dream I murdered someone... Here is the interesting thing... I was wearing socks!! Deliruim was right!!
    ***********NEWS FLASH**********

    Thank you for voting in Moopyrate 12. You have been entered into the £50 prize draw which will be occuring from 8pm this Sunday, Nov 16th.

    Be sure to log in to see if you've won the jackpot or one of the other prizes on offer :o

    *********END OF BULLETIN**********
    yes and as brian McFadden says pink is only for GIRLS and GAYS. can't stand any of them myself.
    yes pet,i have! send me a message on facebook xxx
    Hmmmm, if i don't peel that is! I'm definitely doing all i can to minimise it. I'm so bored of it already though! Enough punishment, please!

    i have brought in aloe vera aftersun gel and put it in the fridge, on recommendation of a colleague. Applying that later could feel slightly erotic.
    I can't remember what I said in that thread, but I just googled it and found the ACAS website (they are the official body who mediate between employers and employees when there is a dispute).


    These bits seem important

    Are there rules for how my working hours are determined?
    Yes, the Working Time Regulations (1998) govern the hours you can work. They determine your maximum weekly working time, pattern of work and holidays, plus the rest periods you must be given daily and weekly. They also cover the health and working hours of night workers. There are a small number of exceptions: certain regulations may be excluded or modified by a collective or workforce agreement, and certain categories of worker are excluded (see Flexible working and work-life balance Appendix 5).

    What are my rights to time off under the Working Time Regulations?
    The Working Time Regulations provides you with the rights to:

    a limit of an average 48 hours a week on the hours you can be required to work, though you may choose to work longer
    4.8 weeks' paid leave a year (5.6 weeks from 1 April 2009)
    11 consecutive hours' rest in any 24-hour period
    a 20 minute rest break if your working day is longer than six hours
    one day off each week
    a limit on the normal working hours of night workers to an average eight hours in any 24-hour period, and an entitlement for night workers to receive regular health assessments.

    Do the Working Time Regulations apply to me?
    The Regulations apply to all workers whether part- or full-time, including the majority of agency workers and freelancers, although certain categories of workerare excluded (see Flexible working and work-life balance, Appendix 5).

    So the 'Working Time Regulations (1998)' cover the law. If you google that, you'll probably find the full legislation, but I suspect that may include a lot of legal jargon.

    I then found this on the same website

    Rest breaks

    An adult worker is entitled to a rest break where the working day is more than six hours. The details of the rest break are to be set out in any collective or workforce agreement which applies. If no such agreement applies the rest break should be an uninterrupted period of not less than 20 minutes which the worker is entitled to spend away from the work station - and not at the end of the shift.

    A young worker is entitled to a rest break of at least 30 minutes where their daily working time is more than four and a half hours. If possible this should be spent away from the work station.

    But then the exceptions are THIS


    The application of certain regulations may be excluded or modified by a collective or workforce agreement. In addition certain categories of workers are excluded from all or particular regulations including those:

    engaged in the activities of doctors in training, or specific activities of the armed forces, police or other civil protection services
    engaged in domestic service
    whose activities are such that their place of work and place of residence are distant from one another or whose different places of work are distant from one another
    engaged on security or surveillance activities requiring a permanent presence - for example, security guards
    who may be subject to a foreseeable surge of activity such as in agriculture, tourism and postal services
    affected by an unusual and unforeseeable occurrence beyond the employer's control, exceptional events or an accident or risk of accident

    now obviously they will probably try and claim one relates to them, but I doubt that it does. But I'm afraid you'll probably need professional help to confirm. I'd try the CAB.
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