A Song For Moopy: Cocktail Lounge - THE RESULTS

Halloween edition in October, free choice in November and another dreaded Xmas edition in December. If only we could find hosts for these.🤔
We’re stuck on what the flags should be. Suomi wants ‘famous people called Joss’ and I just want pictures of car accidents.
What about famous people called Joss in a car accident?
We’re stuck on what the flags should be. Suomi wants ‘famous people called Joss’ and I just want pictures of car accidents.

As long as we're talking pictures and not gifs, you should be alright either way.
Who’s ready 4 the competition of their lives

My stars and garters, some of the plans we have are already seismic and will probably change and destroy lives and hymens. We’re making a superb team so far, like The Scarecrow and Mrs King except with two Mrs Kings.
My stars and garters, some of the plans we have are already seismic and will probably change and destroy lives and hymens. We’re making a superb team so far, like The Scarecrow and Mrs King except with two Mrs Kings.
May I congratulate you on your highly relevant pop cultural references?

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