ASFM: dmlawdifestivalen: Forgotten Hits - SUBMISSIONS CLOSED


Democracy doesn't work
Aug 24, 2009
Welcome to dmlawdifestivalen and I am pleased to announce that it's time to get your hits out.

The theme is Forgotten Hits. Your song must either be a UK or US Top 40 hit, or must be a Top 10 hit from one of the following countries:- Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Sweden. Your song MUST be on both YouTube and Spotify.

Following the lovely egg gala presented by @Tisch, it now appears that the eggs are starting to hatch. As such, there will be no countries this time and you will each be represented by a bird. You will need to provide me with the name of the bird which will represent you, along with a relevant picture. Your bird name may be either a species or a specific individual bird. If you would like to be 'Great Tit' and you aren't ready to submit right now, I'd have a second choice in mind.

I require you to PM me with:

Song title:
Song artist:
YouTube link:
Spotify link:
Bird name:
Bird identifier picture:

You have until 11.59pm Saturday 17th April to send your entry.
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I have no idea what song to sent. Thought of three great 90’s singles by fairly big artists, turns out none of them had made top 40.
I will be using the Scottish charts rather than the UK charts to check my song's eligibility. Can @dmlaw confirm that this will go unchallenged?
I will be using the Scottish charts rather than the UK charts to check my song's eligibility. Can @dmlaw confirm that this will go unchallenged?
I'm not entirely sure I do want to allow the Scottish charts. They've been very different since streaming started to be included in the UK charts so it might be moving away from the principle that these songs are meant to be hits.
I'm not entirely sure I do want to allow the Scottish charts. They've been very different since streaming started to be included in the UK charts so it might be moving away from the principle that these songs are meant to be hits.
I'm not entirely sure I do want to allow the Scottish charts. They've been very different since streaming started to be included in the UK charts so it might be moving away from the principle that these songs are meant to be hits.
That rules out Zen’s attempt to enter Lemonscent then.

I am assuming people aren’t going to MARK YOU DOWN for already knowing the song then?
I’d hope not. I had two choices that I thought would be obscure as shit and they’ve both been mentioned before on Moopy. I think if someone has sent Like a Prayer or something then I may take issue, but I’m not quibbling otherwise.
I’d hope not. I had two choices that I thought would be obscure as shit and they’ve both been mentioned before on Moopy. I think if someone has sent Like a Prayer or something then I may take issue, but I’m not quibbling otherwise.

I think I will enjoy searching for this song the most. I have already found 3 contenders but the rage will be REAL when they spectacularly flop.

I am assuming people aren’t going to MARK YOU DOWN for already knowing the song then?
It's definitely possible to enter a song which is too well known, but I would expect that better known songs that usual will be acceptable. I won't be rejecting anything for being too well known and it will be down to the voters if they want to punish it.

I am assuming people aren’t going to MARK YOU DOWN for already knowing the song then?
I would like CONFIRMATION of this PLEASE especially from those cunts who marked Goodbye Horses down because they knew it.
I was going to ask who's entering Turn It Into Love but I see that only got to number 34 in Japan.
Forgotten Hits to me is a song that I know and maybe even liked and forgot about then it pops up on a playlist or on the radio and I go “OMG I USED TO LOVE THIS, and have not heard it in ages”.

Are we all on the SAME PAGE?
Girls I'm meant to be looking for a job and here I am in bed at 11am trawling through Germany's single charts of the 80s.
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I've gone for one that I'd already had pegged for ASFM. I'll be surprised if many Moopers know it.

I'm not confident it will land, but IMO is a proper treat.
I think I've spent 10000 hours of my life looking through old charts from various countries
I don't have anything in mind but to clarify, what is the rule for B-Sides?
My immediate thought for this was only a hit in Belgium :(
I’m not really FAMILIAR with any charts other than UK or Ireland.

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