Iris Apfel DEAD

Iris happened to be first on my Moopy Deathlist, but besides that, amazing how much she achieved in actual later years, and how it can be celebrated now.
A long life well-lived 💗🎨🕊🌠
Iris happened to be first on my Moopy Deathlist, but besides that, amazing how much she achieved in actual later years, and how it can be celebrated now.
A long life well-lived 💗🎨🕊🌠
Absolutely… 102! And she had so much zest right up until the end.

I love how she lived her life unapologetically, she and her husband remaining childless because “career first” (iconic) and they just poured SO much into it.

I believe he was a fair age himself, around 96? They lived and loved so hard together and she coped well without him but I know it wasn’t the same for her.
I finally saw something on the news 📺 about her, and I didn't know before that the Incredibles animated character Edna Mode was partly inspired (the big glasses) by Iris Apfel. 😃

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