Julian Assange ARRESTED

On Thursday, Ecuador's interior minister said at a press conference in Quito Assange had apparently smeared feces on the walls and engaged in other behavior she described as below common decency.

US news - not linking because right-wing types.
I know, but... foreign policy isn't the only aspect of being POTUS. Either Assange has/had some sort of tunnel vision obsession with that one issue, or he agrees with Trump on other things too.

He's openly a libertarian, which can either be good or very bad depending on what we're talking about.

From some of the things he's said before, I could quite easily believe that foreign policy was his main issue, but I think seeing the leaks as purely an attempt to undermine Hillary overlooks the wider context anyway. Exposing war crimes, or the rigged Democratic primary in 2016, was a good thing for democracy in general.
He was locked in a tiny room for seven years with the police waiting outside 24/7, I wouldn't be surprised if he went a bit mad under that kind of pressure.

I don't want to sound conspiratorial but I do think there is a vested interest in making dissidents and whistle-blowers look crazy. Look at how the media have treated Chelsea Manning. All I'm saying is I want to see the picture of the shit.
I think that has less weight than it once did, mainly due to the number of people in high political office who are genuinely batshit.
People treating this situation like he was kicked out for being a bad house-mate are missing the point. I certainly don't believe that you can date someone as fragrant as Pamela Anderson while refusing to shower and shitting everywhere, it seems like propaganda. Not today, CIA!
I don't doubt for a minute that he's been stitched up, but I still think he's a cunt so HA HA.
People treating this situation like he was kicked out for being a bad house-mate are missing the point.

No-one is saying that! It's just a weird dirty icing on a peculiar cake.

It's obviously the new(ish) Ecuadorian president caving in.

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