Moopy Family Fortunes 2021: Round 10: Results Tonight (09/08) 8pm

Well, I'll happily take 3rd place. Absolutely gobsmacked at 'twat' being on that list of mild swears, I was always allowed to say crap, bloody, bugger and arse as a kid but 'twat' was totally beyond the pale.
Just about avoided the bottom 5. Something Scooch could only dream of, so I'll take it.
Where I’m from twat wasn’t/isn’t associated with lady parts, so I’d have been ok to say that but not most of the others.
Twat was the first word I picked up in the UK (the others being wanker and tosser) but have never heard it being used in genitalia related reference.
Is this over? It feels like a good time to call a day on another SUCCESSFUL SEASON.

If only someone could be bothered to compile the results.

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