Thursday explained.

Day off for me. Went to see Henry Normal and Brian Bilston last night and they were both brilliant. Nice to feel young in an audience too.
Just been for a lovely swim (well, dip) in the sea and celebrated with a walk back and a pint in my local. I’m sitting outside and it’s really quite chilly but I won’t admit defeat and go inside. :D
Is anyone else having issues with emojis? I can’t click on them. I also can’t bold text etc but I mean I never do that anyway

I can use iPhone emojis but I like the classic Moopy ones better
Is anyone else having issues with emojis? I can’t click on them. I also can’t bold text etc but I mean I never do that anyway

I can use iPhone emojis but I like the classic Moopy ones better
Click the square brackets here
Today was the jobs fair I've spent the last two months setting up and I'm proper buzzing now. Fucking knackered but had such a good day.

Feel like such a nerd for enjoying my job so much.
Lunch is done and now I’m sleepy so I’m going to appear busy for the next few hours until I can get away from here
One day The Ethel Merman Disco Album will be found nestling in a car boot for £2.


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