Moldova 2021 - Natalia Gordienko - Sugar

It’s giving me

I do love its total dependence on the RIFF which features no (world class) vocals WHATSOEVER! The rest of it could basically be ANYTHING AT ALL! :disco:
I was obsessed with both Sugar and High Heels for about a month each in 2021. :disco:
Has NATS been sharing her thoughts on the war on her socials? I bet she hasn’t. What a VILE GREEDY MOLL :disco:
I’m sorry but OBSESSED doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt about High Heels when it came out. Undisputed Queen of (Moldovan) Pop!
I’ve been trying to work out how to describe the video NOT THAT ANYONE HAS ASKED ME TO and “budget LOBODA” is coming to mind but “budget” doesn’t seem quite right given much expense video look. Maybe “LOBODA in nylon panties” :disco:
The semi final performance is the one for me, because the glory note sounds EXTRA HIDEOUS.

a straight recently approached me in the wild and said: “you can’t really like this, can you?”, to which I turned and explained that as gay people we get to choose our families etc etc

besides, you cannot tell me this vocal is any worse than anything that has exorcised out of Christina Aguilera’s mouth

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