Shaznay Lewis - Miracle/Kiss of Life + Pages (album 2)

Her best solo work to date if I’m honest. Also “Kiss Of Life” has more than a passing resemblance to this epic bop from Will Young

Kiss of Life is just sublime,isn't it. Miracle is more of a euphoric show stopper but they both are very All Saints.

Going to see her at the Jazz Café in May :disco:
Kiss of Life c-listed on Radio 2! Hopefully it'll climb up to b-list at least, though I do prefer Miracle (but both are amazingly good, so does it matter?).
I’ve had a few listens to both tracks and really enjoyed them much more than I expected to be honest, the album should be excellent if she can maintain the standard.

The intro to ‘Miracle’ sounds like hold music from yesteryear to my brain. Also is the backing track to Kiss Of Life reminding me of I Can’t Stand The Rain (Tina version) or something else?
They are just superb and I have to stop thinking how much they would be enhanced by a Mel verse or a QUEEN NAT Ad-lib and just enjoy them for what they are as that's not fair on her, she's a superbly talented songwriter
The shade towards poor Nicole.
I was thinking if she may get Mel Blatt or some other guests at her gig at the Jazz Cafe in May...I think we will definitely be getting QUEEN SHOLA :disco:

I really like this on first listen...everything has been sublime so far. Yes there's a lot going on in this track but thats a nice change after the first two. The chorus is once again typical All Saints but with the guest vocalists and instrumentals...I could see this on STUDIO 1!
Not a fan, mostly for personal reasons. I generally dislike that ravey UK jungle drum and bass production because I find it noisy, but especially when someone tries to put vocals over it. Regardless, there's definitely too much going on.
It does sound like an All Saints song, but one of the rubbish K-Gee produced ones you had to sit through in between the good stuff.
I agree that this could almost have come from the Studio 1 era.

I see it has a mixed reaction on here but I think it is attention grabbing. I wonder whether it would have made a better lead.

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