Moopy's Big Brother Rate - Part 1 (Channel 4 Era)

Jan 18, 2016
Welcome to the first part of Moopy's Rate of the Big Brother contestants. :beer:

Over 327 people have competed in the civilian version of Big Brother UK. It is now Moopy's time to select our ultimate Big Brother champion from this band of characters (... and the Big Brother 4 cast)!

Here's how it will work: there will be 3 parts to voting. Part 1 is dedicated to the contestants from the Davina era of Big Brother. Part 2 is dedicated to the contestants of the [-]Brian[/-] Emma era of Big Brother. From these first two parts, we will narrow the field down to 70 contestants, where in the Part 3, the final part, a winner will be chosen.

So let's meet the set of housemates past:

Big Brother 1
BB1 Craig Phillips
BB1 Anna Nolan
BB1 Darren Ramsay
BB1 Melanie Hill
BB1 Claire Strutton
BB1 Tom McDermott
BB1 Nichola Holt
BB1 Nick Bateman
BB1 Caroline O'Shea
BB1 Andrew Davidson
BB1 Sada Walkington

Big Brother 2
BB2 Brian Dowling
BB2 Helen Adams
BB2 Dean O'Loughlin
BB2 Elizabeth Woodcock
BB2 Paul Clarke
BB2 Josh Rafter
BB2 Amma Antwi-Agyei
BB2 Bubble (Paul) Ferguson
BB2 Narinder Kaur
BB2 Stuart Hosking
BB2 Penny Ellis

Big Brother 3
BB3 Kate Lawler
BB3 Jonny Regan
BB3 Alex Sibley
BB3 Jade Goody
BB3 Tim Culley
BB3 PJ (Peter) Ellis
BB3 Adele Roberts
BB3 Sophie Pritchard
BB3 Spencer Smith
BB3 Lee Davey
BB3 Sandy Cumming
BB3 Alison Hammond
BB3 Lynne Moncrieff
BB3 Sunita Sharma

Big Brother 4
BB4 Cameron Stout
BB4 Ray Shah
BB4 Scott Turner
BB4 Steph Coldicott
BB4 Nush (Annuszka) Nowak
BB4 Lisa Jeynes
BB4 Herjendar "Gos" Gosal
BB4 Tania do Nascimento
BB4 Jon Tickle
BB4 Federico Martone
BB4 Sissy (Joanne) Rooney
BB4 Justine Sellman
BB4 Anouska Golebiewski

Big Brother 5
BB5 Nadia Almada
BB5 Jason Cowan
BB5 Daniel Bryan
BB5 Shell (Michelle) Jubin
BB5 Stuart Wilson
BB5 Michelle Bass
BB5 Victor Ebuwa
BB5 Ahmed Aghil
BB5 Becki Seddiki
BB5 Marco Sabba
BB5 Vanessa Nimmo
BB5 Emma Greenwood
BB5 Kitten Pinder

Big Brother 6
BB6 Anthony Hutton
BB6 Eugene Sully
BB6 Makosi Musambasi
BB6 Kinga Karolczak
BB6 Craig Coates
BB6 Derek Laud
BB6 Orlaith McAllister
BB6 Kemal Shahin
BB6 Science (Kieron) Harvey
BB6 Vanessa Layton-McIntosh
BB6 Maxwell Ward
BB6 Saskia Howard-Clarke
BB6 Roberto Conte
BB6 Sam Heuston
BB6 Lesley Sanderson
BB6 Mary O'Leary

Big Brother 7
BB7 Pete Bennett
BB7 Glyn Wise
BB7 Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace
BB7 Richard Newman
BB7 Nikki Grahame
BB7 Jennie Corner
BB7 Imogen Thomas
BB7 Susie Verrico
BB7 Mikey Dalton
BB7 Spiral (Glen) Coroner
BB7 Michael Cheshire
BB7 Jayne Kitt
BB7 Lea Walker
BB7 Jonathan Leonard
BB7 Lisa Huo
BB7 Grace Adams-Short
BB7 Sam Brodie
BB7 Sezer Yurtseven
BB7 George Askew
BB7 Bonnie Holt
BB7 Dawn Blake
BB7 Shahbaz Chauhdry

Big Brother 8
BB8 Brian (Olawale) Belo
BB8 Amanda & Sam Marchant
BB8 Liam McGough
BB8 Ziggy (Zac) Lichman
BB8 Carole Vincent
BB8 Jonty Stern
BB8 Kara-Louise Horne
BB8 Tracey Barnard
BB8 Gerry Stergiopoulos
BB8 Amy Alexandra
BB8 David Parnaby
BB8 Shanessa Reilly
BB8 Chanelle Hayes
BB8 Charley Uchea
BB8 Nicky Maxwell
BB8 Laura Williams
BB8 Jonathan Durden
BB8 Billi Bhatti
BB8 Seány O'Kane
BB8 Shabnam Paryani
BB8 Lesley Brain
BB8 Emily Parr

Big Brother 9
BB9 Rachel Rice
BB9 Michael Hughes
BB9 Sara Folino
BB9 Rex Newmark
BB9 Darnell Swallow
BB9 Kathreya Kasisopa
BB9 Mohamed Mohamed
BB9 Lisa Appleton
BB9 Nicole Cammack
BB9 Stuart Pilkington
BB9 Dale Howard
BB9 Luke Marsden
BB9 Maysoon Shaladi
BB9 Rebecca Shiner
BB9 Belinda Harris-Reid
BB9 Mario Marconi (Shaun Astbury)
BB9 Jennifer Clark
BB9 Sylvia Barrie
BB9 Dennis McHugh
BB9 Alexandra De-Gale
BB9 Stephanie McMichael

Big Brother 10
BB10 Sophie Reade
BB10 Siavash Sabbaghpour
BB10 David Ramsden
BB10 Charlie Drummond
BB10 Rodrigo Lopes
BB10 Lisa Wallace
BB10 Marcus Akin
BB10 Bea Hamill
BB10 Freddie Fisher
BB10 Hira Habibshah
BB10 Isaac Stout
BB10 Noirin Kelly
BB10 Tom Oliver
BB10 Kenneth Tong
BB10 Karly Ashworth
BB10 Kris Donnelly
BB10 Sree Desari
BB10 Angel McKenzie
BB10 Cairon Austin-Hill
BB10 Sophia Brown
BB10 Saffia Corden
BB10 Beinazir Lasharie

Big Brother 11
BB11 Josie Gibson
BB11 Dave Vaughan
BB11 Mario Mugan
BB11 JJ Bird
BB11 Andrew Edmonds
BB11 John James Parton
BB11 Sam Pepper
BB11 Corin Forshaw
BB11 Steve Gill
BB11 Jo Butler
BB11 Rachel Ifon
BB11 Ben Duncan
BB11 Laura McAdam
BB11 Keeley Johnson
BB11 Caoimhe Guilfoyle
BB11 Ife Kuku
BB11 Nathan Dunn
BB11 Shabby Katchadourian
BB11 Sunshine Martyn
BB11 Govan Hinds
BB11 Rachael White

Simply score each contestant from 0 to 10. You are allowed to award one 11 and -1 per season as well. Ratings to be done in the thread.

You don't have to rank all the seasons, any scores submitted will be counted towards the final tally.

From this group, the top 37 will move on to the next stage. The winner of each season in our rankings will move on (the first 11 spaces) to the Final, in addition to the remaining 26 places being award to the next highest scoring contestants (regardless of season).

Deadline to vote: Sunday, July 12th: 19:30 BST.
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Happy to adjust the amounts later, figured 70 was a good number for the last part, but I'll see as scores come in if to increase it, as well as the proportions of the Channel 4/Channel 5 split of contestants that go through since there were a ton more contestants from the Channel 4 days.
Maybe need to go back and revisit/review some of the earlier seasons, but I can definitely recall some of the people who left first better than some of the non-winning finalists. :D
Big Brother 1
07 Craig Phillips
10 Anna Nolan
05 Darren Ramsay
06 Melanie Hill
07 Claire Strutton
05 Tom McDermott
09 Nichola Holt
08 Nick Bateman
09 Caroline O'Shea
02 Andrew Davidson
05 Sada Walkington

Big Brother 2
04 Brian Dowling
08 Helen Adams
04 Dean O'Loughlin
07 Elizabeth Woodcock
01 Paul Clarke
03 Josh Rafter
06 Amma Antwi-Agyei
01 Bubble (Paul) Ferguson
07 Narinder Kaur
02 Stuart Hosking
06 Penny Ellis

Big Brother 3
06 Kate Lawler
09 Jonny Regan
-1 Alex Sibley
01 Jade Goody
02 Tim Culley
06 PJ (Peter) Ellis
09 Adele Roberts
08 Sophie Pritchard
08 Spencer Smith
05 Lee Davey
04 Sandy Cumming
10 Alison Hammond
04 Lynne Moncrieff
05 Sunita Sharma

Big Brother 4
01 Cameron Stout
07 Ray Shah
01 Scott Turner
08 Steph Coldicott
07 Nush (Annuszka) Nowak
07 Lisa Jeynes
-1 Herjendar "Gos" Gosal
08 Tania do Nascimento
06 Jon Tickle
08 Federico Martone
07 Sissy (Joanne) Rooney
07 Justine Sellman
09 Anouska Golebiewski

Big Brother 5
09 Nadia Almada
08 Jason Cowan
07 Daniel Bryan
09 Shell (Michelle) Jubin
06 Stuart Wilson
11 Michelle Bass
10 Victor Ebuwa
08 Ahmed Aghil
05 Becki Seddiki
-1 Marco Sabba
08 Vanessa Nimmo
10 Emma Greenwood
03 Kitten Pinder

Big Brother 6
07 Anthony Hutton
04 Eugene Sully
10 Makosi Musambasi
08 Kinga Karolczak
10 Craig Coates
11 Derek Laud
09 Orlaith McAllister
08 Kemal Shahin
10 Science (Kieron) Harvey
06 Vanessa Layton-McIntosh
-1 Maxwell Ward
01 Saskia Howard-Clarke
06 Roberto Conte
06 Sam Heuston
09 Lesley Sanderson
07 Mary O'Leary

Big Brother 7
-1 Pete Bennett
02 Glyn Wise
10 Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace
05 Richard Newman
01 Nikki Grahame
05 Jennie Corner
08 Imogen Thomas
03 Susie Verrico
02 Mikey Dalton
06 Spiral (Glen) Coroner
05 Michael Cheshire
03 Jayne Kitt
09 Lea Walker
03 Jonathan Leonard
11 Lisa Huo
04 Grace Adams-Short
04 Sam Brodie
01 Sezer Yurtseven
03 George Askew
10 Bonnie Holt
08 Dawn Blake
04 Shahbaz Chauhdry

Big Brother 8
-1 Brian (Olawale) Belo
10 Amanda & Sam Marchant
09 Liam McGough
08 Ziggy (Zac) Lichman
03 Carole Vincent
02 Jonty Stern
03 Kara-Louise Horne
06 Tracey Barnard
09 Gerry Stergiopoulos
08 Amy Alexandra
02 David Parnaby
05 Shanessa Reilly
10 Chanelle Hayes
10 Charley Uchea
09 Nicky Maxwell
06 Laura Williams
03 Jonathan Durden
07 Billi Bhatti
02 Seány O'Kane
05 Shabnam Paryani
10 Lesley Brain
03 Emily Parr

Big Brother 9
05 Rachel Rice
05 Michael Hughes
10 Sara Folino
-1 Rex Newmark
01 Darnell Swallow
05 Kathreya Kasisopa
01 Mohamed Mohamed
11 Lisa Appleton
02 Nicole Cammack
09 Stuart Pilkington
09 Dale Howard
10 Luke Marsden
04 Maysoon Shaladi
10 Rebecca Shiner
08 Belinda Harris-Reid
10 Mario Marconi (Shaun Astbury)
08 Jennifer Clark
08 Sylvia Barrie
04 Dennis McHugh
09 Alexandra De-Gale
07 Stephanie McMichael

Big Brother 10
08 Sophie Reade
08 Siavash Sabbaghpour
07 David Ramsden
07 Charlie Drummond
05 Rodrigo Lopes
08 Lisa Wallace
-1 Marcus Akin
11 Bea Hamill
06 Freddie Fisher
07 Hira Habibshah
01 Isaac Stout
09 Noirin Kelly
01 Tom Oliver
07 Kenneth Tong
08 Karly Ashworth
03 Kris Donnelly
06 Sree Desari
10 Angel McKenzie
05 Cairon Austin-Hill
06 Sophia Brown
08 Saffia Corden
06 Beinazir Lasharie

Big Brother 11
02 Josie Gibson
04 Dave Vaughan
05 Mario Mugan
03 JJ Bird
03 Andrew Edmonds
01 John James Parton
-1 Sam Pepper
11 Corin Forshaw
02 Steve Gill
05 Jo Butler
07 Rachel Ifon
08 Ben Duncan
01 Laura McAdam
09 Keeley Johnson
09 Caoimhe Guilfoyle
07 Ife Kuku
08 Nathan Dunn
01 Shabby Katchadourian
03 Sunshine Martyn
06 Govan Hinds
08 Rachael White
Although given how that episode recaps on the Wiki for Season 1 generally paint the women negatively, while praising allegedly humble and "hunky" Darren, I have to believe he wrote it. :D
Who know an image search for Lisa Appleton really is quite eye popping.
Strange how 1-8 all feel very distinct in my mind but 9, 10 and 11 all blend into a mush
Big Brother 1
05 Craig Phillips
11 Anna Nolan
06 Darren Ramsay
09 Melanie Hill
04 Claire Strutton
07 Tom McDermott
06 Nichola Holt
02 Nick Bateman
07 Caroline O'Shea
05 Andrew Davidson
05 Sada Walkington

Big Brother 2
05 Brian Dowling
08 Helen Adams
06 Dean O'Loughlin
04 Elizabeth Woodcock
07 Paul Clarke
-1 Josh Rafter
09 Amma Antwi-Agyei
00 Bubble (Paul) Ferguson
08 Narinder Kaur
00 Stuart Hosking
08 Penny Ellis

Big Brother 3
10 Kate Lawler
04 Jonny Regan
06 Alex Sibley
05 Jade Goody
05 Tim Culley
04 PJ (Peter) Ellis
06 Adele Roberts
05 Sophie Pritchard
05 Spencer Smith
05 Lee Davey
-1 Sandy Cumming
08 Alison Hammond
03 Lynne Moncrieff
03 Sunita Sharma

Big Brother 4
-1 Cameron Stout
02 Ray Shah
05 Scott Turner
00 Steph Coldicott
05 Nush (Annuszka) Nowak
07 Lisa Jeynes
00 Herjendar "Gos" Gosal
10 Tania do Nascimento
05 Jon Tickle
06 Federico Martone
00 Sissy (Joanne) Rooney
04 Justine Sellman
04 Anouska Golebiewski

Big Brother 5
10 Nadia Almada
00 Jason Cowan
05 Daniel Bryan
05 Shell (Michelle) Jubin
05 Stuart Wilson
11 Michelle Bass
10 Victor Ebuwa
07 Ahmed Aghil
03 Becki Seddiki
05 Marco Sabba
03 Vanessa Nimmo
07 Emma Greenwood
08 Kitten Pinder

Big Brother 6
06 Anthony Hutton
03 Eugene Sully
11 Makosi Musambasi
10 Kinga Karolczak
08 Craig Coates
09 Derek Laud
07 Orlaith McAllister
09 Kemal Shahin
07 Science (Kieron) Harvey
00 Vanessa Layton-McIntosh
00 Maxwell Ward
-1 Saskia Howard-Clarke
08 Roberto Conte
07 Sam Heuston
03 Lesley Sanderson
05 Mary O'Leary

Big Brother 7
10 Pete Bennett
06 Glyn Wise
11 Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace
04 Richard Newman
10 Nikki Grahame
02 Jennie Corner
06 Imogen Thomas
08 Susie Verrico
00 Mikey Dalton
02 Spiral (Glen) Coroner
02 Michael Cheshire
02 Jayne Kitt
07 Lea Walker
01 Jonathan Leonard
00 Lisa Huo
08 Grace Adams-Short
06 Sam Brodie
05 Sezer Yurtseven
03 George Askew
04 Bonnie Holt
00 Dawn Blake
07 Shahbaz Chauhdry

Big Brother 8
05 Brian (Olawale) Belo
05 Amanda & Sam Marchant
00 Liam McGough
05 Ziggy (Zac) Lichman
08 Carole Vincent
03 Jonty Stern
02 Kara-Louise Horne
06 Tracey Barnard
05 Gerry Stergiopoulos
00 Amy Alexandra
00 David Parnaby
05 Shanessa Reilly
-1 Chanelle Hayes
09 Charley Uchea
00 Nicky Maxwell
00 Laura Williams
00 Jonathan Durden
00 Billi Bhatti
00 Seány O'Kane
04 Shabnam Paryani
03 Lesley Brain
00 Emily Parr

Big Brother 9
03 Rachel Rice
00 Michael Hughes
10 Sara Folino
03 Rex Newmark
00 Darnell Swallow
00 Kathreya Kasisopa
02 Mohamed Mohamed
10 Lisa Appleton
00 Nicole Cammack
06 Dale Howard
00 Luke Marsden
00 Maysoon Shaladi
03 Rebecca Shiner
04 Belinda Harris-Reid
03 Mario Marconi (Shaun Astbury)
00 Jennifer Clark
07 Sylvia Barrie
-1 Dennis McHugh
02 Alexandra De-Gale
02 Stephanie McMichael

Big Brother 10
02 Sophie Reade
00 Siavash Sabbaghpour
00 David Ramsden
00 Charlie Drummond
06 Rodrigo Lopes
00 Lisa Wallace
00 Marcus Akin
00 Bea Hamill
00 Freddie Fisher
00 Hira Habibshah
00 Isaac Stout
05 Noirin Kelly
00 Tom Oliver
-1 Kenneth Tong
00 Karly Ashworth
01 Kris Donnelly
00 Sree Desari
00 Angel McKenzie
00 Cairon Austin-Hill
02 Sophia Brown
00 Saffia Corden
02 Beinazir Lasharie

Big Brother 11
10 Josie Gibson
00 Dave Vaughan
06 Mario Mugan
05 JJ Bird
00 Andrew Edmonds
04 John James Parton
-1 Sam Pepper
00 Corin Forshaw
00 Steve Gill
00 Jo Butler
00 Rachel Ifon
00 Ben Duncan
00 Laura McAdam
00 Keeley Johnson
00 Caoimhe Guilfoyle
00 Ife Kuku
00 Nathan Dunn
02 Shabby Katchadourian
00 Sunshine Martyn
00 Govan Hinds
00 Rachael White
God so many names I had completely FORGOTTEN.

Am I right in thinking SARA FOLINO was a complete queen of the Makosi/Aisleyne SORT?

I really need to do some heavy googling of those later seasons before even attempting to vote.
Unless I'm mistaken Sara was the lass who cried while drunkenly singing the national anthem which was all kinds of iconic.
No that was the C5 Sara, the BB9 Sara was Australian, which is all I know about her :D
Google has confirmed SARA FOLINO was indeed Australian, came in half way through, was bullied a bit but was generally iconic and loved by gays.

I wonder how many of these people DID PORN post.

Makosi to win of course :disco: She will always be the greatest housemate of ALL TIME :disco:
THE BB10 cast is the one I struggle to remember most.

Was Bea the outspoken one who had a love/hate relationship with Freddie to begin with that eventually became pure loathing?
God so many names I had completely FORGOTTEN.

Am I right in thinking SARA FOLINO was a complete queen of the Makosi/Aisleyne SORT?

I really need to do some heavy googling of those later seasons before even attempting to vote.
She was a ballsy Australian woman. Her and Lisa were the only redeeming features of the last few weeks, and they played that 'share or shaft' game and won £50000 each.
Big Brother 1
06 Craig Phillips
11 Anna Nolan
07 Darren Ramsay
09 Melanie Hill
03 Claire Strutton
05 Tom McDermott
07 Nichola Holt
07 Nick Bateman
08 Caroline O'Shea
-1 Andrew Davidson
10 Sada Walkington

Big Brother 2
10 Brian Dowling
10 Helen Adams
00 Dean O'Loughlin
01 Elizabeth Woodcock
07 Paul Clarke
-1 Josh Rafter
09 Amma Antwi-Agyei
02 Bubble (Paul) Ferguson
04 Narinder Kaur
00 Stuart Hosking
10 Penny Ellis

Big Brother 3
10 Kate Lawler
03 Jonny Regan
02 Alex Sibley
09 Jade Goody
06 Tim Culley
02 PJ (Peter) Ellis
07 Adele Roberts
06 Sophie Pritchard
02 Spencer Smith
01 Lee Davey
-1 Sandy Cumming
10 Alison Hammond
10 Lynne Moncrieff
08 Sunita Sharma

Big Brother 4
00 Cameron Stout
00 Ray Shah
00 Scott Turner
00 Steph Coldicott
05 Nush (Annuszka) Nowak
00 Lisa Jeynes
-1 Herjendar "Gos" Gosal
00 Tania do Nascimento
00 Jon Tickle
05 Federico Martone
00 Sissy (Joanne) Rooney
00 Justine Sellman
08 Anouska Golebiewski

Big Brother 5
10 Nadia Almada
07 Jason Cowan
03 Daniel Bryan
09 Shell (Michelle) Jubin
01 Stuart Wilson
10 Michelle Bass
10 Victor Ebuwa
08 Ahmed Aghil
00 Becki Seddiki
07 Marco Sabba
07 Vanessa Nimmo
07 Emma Greenwood
11 Kitten Pinder

Big Brother 6
07 Anthony Hutton
01 Eugene Sully
10 Makosi Musambasi
10 Kinga Karolczak
11 Craig Coates
10 Derek Laud
08 Orlaith McAllister
09 Kemal Shahin
08 Science (Kieron) Harvey
-1 Vanessa Layton-McIntosh
03 Maxwell Ward
03 Saskia Howard-Clarke
09 Roberto Conte
01 Sam Heuston
10 Lesley Sanderson
10 Mary O'Leary

Big Brother 7
07 Pete Bennett
00 Glyn Wise
10 Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace
01 Richard Newman
10 Nikki Grahame
00 Jennie Corner
07 Imogen Thomas
07 Susie Verrico
00 Mikey Dalton
00 Spiral (Glen) Coroner
-1 Michael Cheshire
06 Jayne Kitt
08 Lea Walker - even though she ain't done nowt wrong
00 Jonathan Leonard
08 Lisa Huo
11 Grace Adams-Short
07 Sam Brodie
08 Sezer Yurtseven
00 George Askew
10 Bonnie Holt
09 Dawn Blake
10 Shahbaz Chauhdry

Big Brother 8
07 Brian (Olawale) Belo
02 Amanda & Sam Marchant
00 Liam McGough
-1 Ziggy (Zac) Lichman
00 Carole Vincent
00 Jonty Stern
00 Kara-Louise Horne
00 Tracey Barnard
00 Gerry Stergiopoulos
00 Amy Alexandra
00 David Parnaby
00 Shanessa Reilly
06 Chanelle Hayes
10 Charley Uchea
00 Nicky Maxwell
00 Laura Williams
00 Jonathan Durden
00 Billi Bhatti
00 Seány O'Kane
11 Shabnam Paryani
09 Lesley Brain
08 Emily Parr

Big Brother 9
09 Rachel Rice
00 Michael Hughes
10 Sara Folino
02 Rex Newmark
00 Darnell Swallow
01 Kathreya Kasisopa
00 Mohamed Mohamed
10 Lisa Appleton
10 Nicole Cammack
02 Dale Howard
01 Luke Marsden
00 Maysoon Shaladi - is this the most forgettable housemate ever :D ?
01 Rebecca Shiner
02 Belinda Harris-Reid
07 Mario Marconi (Shaun Astbury)
01 Jennifer Clark
10 Sylvia Barrie
00 Dennis McHugh
06 Alexandra De-Gale
07 Stephanie McMichael

Big Brother 10
09 Sophie Reade
03 Siavash Sabbaghpour
02 David Ramsden
-1 Charlie Drummond
08 Rodrigo Lopes
00 Lisa Wallace
00 Marcus Akin
07 Bea Hamill
06 Freddie Fisher
00 Hira Habibshah
00 Isaac Stout
04 Noirin Kelly
00 Tom Oliver
06 Kenneth Tong
05 Karly Ashworth
00 Kris Donnelly
02 Sree Desari
03 Angel McKenzie
00 Cairon Austin-Hill
05 Sophia Brown
05 Saffia Corden
08 Beinazir Lasharie

Big Brother 11
09 Josie Gibson
00 Dave Vaughan
08 Mario Mugan
04 JJ Bird
00 Andrew Edmonds
06 John James Parton
07 Sam Pepper
10 Corin Forshaw
00 Steve Gill
03 Jo Butler
04 Rachel Ifon
05 Ben Duncan
?? Laura McAdam
?? Keeley Johnson
02 Caoimhe Guilfoyle
02 Ife Kuku
00 Nathan Dunn
-1 Shabby Katchadourian
10 Sunshine Martyn
07 Govan Hinds
09 Rachael White
I watched every series up to 10, but looking through the list of housemates in series 10 I'm not sure I remember a single thing about that series whatsoever.
Big Brother 1
08 BB1 Craig Phillips
11 BB1 Anna Nolan
04 BB1 Darren Ramsay
07 BB1 Melanie Hill
02 BB1 Claire Strutton
05 BB1 Tom McDermott
09 BB1 Nichola Holt
10 BB1 Nick Bateman
10 BB1 Caroline O'Shea
00 BB1 Andrew Davidson
05 BB1 Sada Walkington

Big Brother 2
09 BB2 Brian Dowling
10 BB2 Helen Adams
03 BB2 Dean O'Loughlin
00 BB2 Elizabeth Woodcock
00 BB2 Paul Clarke
03 BB2 Josh Rafter
05 BB2 Amma Antwi-Agyei
07 BB2 Bubble (Paul) Ferguson
09 BB2 Narinder Kaur
-1 BB2 Stuart Hosking
08 BB2 Penny Ellis

Big Brother 3
10 BB3 Kate Lawler
06 BB3 Jonny Regan
05 BB3 Alex Sibley
11 BB3 Jade Goody
02 BB3 Tim Culley
06 BB3 PJ (Peter) Ellis
03 BB3 Adele Roberts
03 BB3 Sophie Pritchard
08 BB3 Spencer Smith
00 BB3 Lee Davey
-1 BB3 Sandy Cumming
10 BB3 Alison Hammond
00 BB3 Lynne Moncrieff
00 BB3 Sunita Sharma

Big Brother 4
00 BB4 Cameron Stout
04 BB4 Ray Shah
02 BB4 Scott Turner
-1 BB4 Steph Coldicott
05 BB4 Nush (Annuszka) Nowak
00 BB4 Lisa Jeynes
00 BB4 Herjendar "Gos" Gosal
06 BB4 Tania do Nascimento
07 BB4 Jon Tickle
08 BB4 Federico Martone
00 BB4 Sissy (Joanne) Rooney
00 BB4 Justine Sellman
08 BB4 Anouska Golebiewski

Big Brother 5
11 BB5 Nadia Almada
02 BB5 Jason Cowan
08 BB5 Daniel Bryan
09 BB5 Shell (Michelle) Jubin
08 BB5 Stuart Wilson
10 BB5 Michelle Bass
10 BB5 Victor Ebuwa
06 BB5 Ahmed Aghil
01 BB5 Becki Seddiki
08 BB5 Marco Sabba
03 BB5 Vanessa Nimmo
09 BB5 Emma Greenwood
09 BB5 Kitten Pinder

Big Brother 6
05 BB6 Anthony Hutton
06 BB6 Eugene Sully
11 BB6 Makosi Musambasi
10 BB6 Kinga Karolczak
10 BB6 Craig Coates
09 BB6 Derek Laud
05 BB6 Orlaith McAllister
10 BB6 Kemal Shahin
10 BB6 Science (Kieron) Harvey
05 BB6 Vanessa Layton-McIntosh
03 BB6 Maxwell Ward
05 BB6 Saskia Howard-Clarke
-1 BB6 Roberto Conte
03 BB6 Sam Heuston
08 BB6 Lesley Sanderson
10 BB6 Mary O'Leary

Big Brother 7
07 BB7 Pete Bennett
08 BB7 Glyn Wise
11 BB7 Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace
05 BB7 Richard Newman
10 BB7 Nikki Grahame
01 BB7 Jennie Corner
02 BB7 Imogen Thomas
07 BB7 Susie Verrico
00 BB7 Mikey Dalton
00 BB7 Spiral (Glen) Coroner
00 BB7 Michael Cheshire
02 BB7 Jayne Kitt
10 BB7 Lea Walker
00 BB7 Jonathan Leonard
05 BB7 Lisa Huo
09 BB7 Grace Adams-Short
06 BB7 Sam Brodie
00 BB7 Sezer Yurtseven
-1 BB7 George Askew
10 BB7 Bonnie Holt
06 BB7 Dawn Blake
01 BB7 Shahbaz Chauhdry

Big Brother 8
08 BB8 Brian (Olawale) Belo
09 BB8 Amanda & Sam Marchant
03 BB8 Liam McGough
04 BB8 Ziggy (Zac) Lichman
-1 BB8 Carole Vincent
06 BB8 Jonty Stern
00 BB8 Kara-Louise Horne
08 BB8 Tracey Barnard
08 BB8 Gerry Stergiopoulos
00 BB8 Amy Alexandra
00 BB8 David Parnaby
00 BB8 Shanessa Reilly
10 BB8 Chanelle Hayes
11 BB8 Charley Uchea
09 BB8 Nicky Maxwell
00 BB8 Laura Williams
00 BB8 Jonathan Durden
00 BB8 Billi Bhatti
00 BB8 Seány O'Kane
10 BB8 Shabnam Paryani
10 BB8 Lesley Brain
05 BB8 Emily Parr

Big Brother 9
09 BB9 Rachel Rice
06 BB9 Michael Hughes
10 BB9 Sara Folino
10 BB9 Rex Newmark
08 BB9 Darnell Swallow
05 BB9 Kathreya Kasisopa
05 BB9 Mohamed Mohamed
09 BB9 Lisa Appleton
00 BB9 Nicole Cammack
09 BB9 Stuart Pilkington
05 BB9 Dale Howard
07 BB9 Luke Marsden
00 BB9 Maysoon Shaladi
10 BB9 Rebecca Shiner
01 BB9 Belinda Harris-Reid
00 BB9 Mario Marconi (Shaun Astbury)
00 BB9 Jennifer Clark
00 BB9 Sylvia Barrie
-1 BB9 Dennis McHugh
00 BB9 Alexandra De-Gale
08 BB9 Stephanie McMichael

Big Brother 10
10 BB10 Sophie Reade
09 BB10 Siavash Sabbaghpour
04 BB10 David Ramsden
02 BB10 Charlie Drummond
09 BB10 Rodrigo Lopes
-1 BB10 Lisa Wallace
10 BB10 Marcus Akin
09 BB10 Bea Hamill
09 BB10 Freddie Fisher
00 BB10 Hira Habibshah
00 BB10 Isaac Stout
06 BB10 Noirin Kelly
00 BB10 Tom Oliver
00 BB10 Kenneth Tong
03 BB10 Karly Ashworth
00 BB10 Kris Donnelly
06 BB10 Sree Desari
09 BB10 Angel McKenzie
00 BB10 Cairon Austin-Hill
10 BB10 Sophia Brown
00 BB10 Saffia Corden
07 BB10 Beinazir Lasharie

Big Brother 11
10 BB11 Josie Gibson
00 BB11 Dave Vaughan
09 BB11 Mario Mugan
04 BB11 JJ Bird
02 BB11 Andrew Edmonds
08 BB11 John James Parton
-1 BB11 Sam Pepper
11 BB11 Corin Forshaw
01 BB11 Steve Gill
00 BB11 Jo Butler
07 BB11 Rachel Ifon
09 BB11 Ben Duncan
00 BB11 Laura McAdam
06 BB11 Keeley Johnson
10 BB11 Caoimhe Guilfoyle
05 BB11 Ife Kuku
05 BB11 Nathan Dunn
05 BB11 Shabby Katchadourian
08 BB11 Sunshine Martyn
00 BB11 Govan Hinds
05 BB11 Rachael White
Big Brother 1
06 Craig Phillips
10 Anna Nolan
07 Darren Ramsay
07 Melanie Hill
02 Claire Strutton
05 Tom McDermott
10 Nichola Holt
07 Nick Bateman
11 Caroline O'Shea
06 Andrew Davidson
10 Sada Walkington

Big Brother 2
08 Brian Dowling
08 Helen Adams
-1 Dean O'Loughlin
00 Elizabeth Woodcock
06 Paul Clarke
07 Josh Rafter
08 Amma Antwi-Agyei
02 Bubble (Paul) Ferguson
10 Narinder Kaur
01 Stuart Hosking
09 Penny Ellis

Big Brother 3
07 Kate Lawler
07 Jonny Regan
07 Alex Sibley
11 Jade Goody
00 Tim Culley
06 PJ (Peter) Ellis
07 Adele Roberts
06 Sophie Pritchard
06 Spencer Smith
06 Lee Davey
07 Sandy Cumming
10 Alison Hammond
03 Lynne Moncrieff
00 Sunita Sharma

Big Brother 4
01 Cameron Stout
05 Ray Shah
01 Scott Turner
01 Steph Coldicott
07 Nush (Annuszka) Nowak
11 Lisa Jeynes
01 Herjendar "Gos" Gosal
01 Tania do Nascimento
05 Jon Tickle
03 Federico Martone
07 Sissy (Joanne) Rooney
06 Justine Sellman
09 Anouska Golebiewski

Big Brother 5
11 Nadia Almada
06 Jason Cowan
00 Daniel Bryan
06 Shell (Michelle) Jubin
06 Stuart Wilson
10 Michelle Bass
06 Victor Ebuwa
04 Ahmed Aghil
05 Becki Seddiki
08 Marco Sabba
06 Vanessa Nimmo
10 Emma Greenwood
09 Kitten Pinder

Big Brother 6
07 Anthony Hutton
04 Eugene Sully
10 Makosi Musambasi
09 Kinga Karolczak
10 Craig Coates
08 Derek Laud
07 Orlaith McAllister
08 Kemal Shahin
08 Science (Kieron) Harvey
06 Vanessa Layton-McIntosh
07 Maxwell Ward
07 Saskia Howard-Clarke
08 Roberto Conte
10 Sam Heuston
11 Lesley Sanderson
10 Mary O'Leary

Big Brother 7
06 Pete Bennett
07 Glyn Wise
08 Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace
07 Richard Newman
11 Nikki Grahame
06 Jennie Corner
07 Imogen Thomas
07 Susie Verrico
05 Mikey Dalton
07 Spiral (Glen) Coroner
07 Michael Cheshire
08 Jayne Kitt
09 Lea Walker
01 Jonathan Leonard
08 Lisa Huo
10 Grace Adams-Short
04 Sam Brodie
08 Sezer Yurtseven
04 George Askew
10 Bonnie Holt
08 Dawn Blake
10 Shahbaz Chauhdry

Big Brother 8
06 Brian (Olawale) Belo
07 Amanda & Sam Marchant
04 Liam McGough
06 Ziggy (Zac) Lichman
06 Carole Vincent
01 Jonty Stern
01 Kara-Louise Horne
01 Tracey Barnard
07 Gerry Stergiopoulos
01 Amy Alexandra
01 David Parnaby
01 Shanessa Reilly
10 Chanelle Hayes
11 Charley Uchea
01 Nicky Maxwell
01 Laura Williams
01 Jonathan Durden
07 Billi Bhatti
07 Seány O'Kane
10 Shabnam Paryani
07 Lesley Brain
02 Emily Parr

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