
George Washington and Abraham Lincoln name all the other Presidents sat by a pool, wearing sparkly shorts, sipping pink cocktails
comedy central pervert GIF by The Other Two
Kate Winslett discovers new species of Pokemon; names it "Katewinslett"
Suella Braverman now "22% more cunt" after vaginal enlargement surgery.
Miley Cyrus defeats virus using pious King Midas and Tobias's arthritis.
The inferior temporal gyrus is the anterior region of the temporal lobe located underneath the central temporal sulcus. The primary function of the occipital temporal gyrus – otherwise referenced as IT cortex – is associated with visual stimuli processing, namely visual object recognition, and has been suggested by recent experimental results as the final location of the ventral cortical visual system.
Otto Von Wernherr is a German singer and actor. He was born in Heidelberg under the name Ottheinrich Werner. Today, he's best known for working on some of his songs with singer-songwriter Madonna as a backing singer, and acting in Slava Tsukerman's new wave cult movie Liquid Sky.

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