FRUIT - top 3

I’m so glad it’s Theresa may. I love how she’s not quite human

For me I always go back to her weird villain laughing like a seagull swallowing a fish

Theresa May Lol GIF
Upon googling pomelo to make sure I spelled it correctly, I I found that it’s scientific name is “citrus maxima” which makes me like it even more
I went through a grapefruit phase last year where I would eat one everyday after dinner.
I actually don't eat that much fruit but I love watermelon, banana, apple, grapes. orange juice to drink but not to eat. and in a smoothie every fruit is delicious.
I just got to work and found the cutest tiniest apple I’ve ever seen
i love them all!

if you put a knife to my pancreas...


think of it the only ones i don't like are probably durians and dates and rose hips and sour cherries.

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