Family Fortunes 2021 (Alla's edition) - Round 2 - Results


Sábado noche 19 80
Jan 2, 2009
Zorra (lo sé!)
PLEASE DO NOT DISCUSS ANSWERS OR ASK ME ANYTHING ABOUT ANY QUESTION. Discussing questions IN ANY WAY or posting answers in this thread will get you disqualified. Thank you :love:


1. Name the room in a house that is usually the dirtiest/messier
2. Name a word you can use instead of “man”
3. Name something that people usually do once a week
4. Name a rock music act that was popular in the 80s
5. Name a food that some people are allergic to
6. Name an animal you would use to describe your partner in bed
7. Name a word that you might hear a lot in a football match
8. Name an invention that has brought people closer together
9. Name a word that rhymes with "twitter"
10. Name a place a man would cum if he was doing homemade porn with his partner
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· There will be a total of five rounds with ten questions each.
· PM me with your answers to the questions above. The aim is to pick what you think will be the most popular answer.
· Discussing answers or questions in any way is strictly forbidden.
· You may be penalised for giving ambiguous answers. If there is clear ambiguity in an answer, it will be treated as distinct from its possible interpretations. I recommend you to be specific and clear. My decision is final.
· At the end of the round, you will score a point for your answer and an extra point for every other person who picked the same answer as you. At the end of five rounds, the winner of the championship will be the one with the most points.
· The answer doesn't have to be correct. You will only score 0 in case you answer something the question specifies you can't (in "Other than yellow, name a color", you will score 0 if your answer is yellow)
· I may not accept a set of totally absurd answers.

This round closes at 17:00 Sunday 26 September (UK time). Results on Monday. Good luck. x
No funny answers but question 10 exists?? o_O O_o o.O O.o
@Mats and @Rita you have one joker each to play in any question, it will count as the top answer. In case of a tie with several top answers, it will be added to the first one of them I recieved as an answer by anyone.
After a promising start, only got 2 answers in the last 48 hours; lots still missing. Just saying :eyes:
Closed. Ok, so we don't even have 30 players, the lowest in years or probably ever. I think the best thing is to end the game after this round and bring it back in another occasion 🤷‍♂️ Results tomorrow evening. x


I should know by now not to take real life too seriously and spend more time on Moopy


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