Wordle (and friends)

Your second guess and the final guess, what a leap :D
I don't think it's SO big a leap when you've already ruled out all other vowels, three common consonants and know the first letter.

I think what you have excluded (and knowing common patterns among what's left) is key to getting it.
Wordle 217 X/6

⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ :angry:

i dont know her mariah carey GIF
Oops, sorry didn’t realize it’s the same word for everyone.

How do I share the results here like you’re all doing?
I've been playing in English too but i don't know how to share it.

Wordle 216 4/6


Edit: oh it worked. Can't believe how naughty the English version of this is, waiting for C*NTS next.
I've been playing in English too but i don't know how to share it.

Wordle 216 4/6


Edit: oh it worked. Can't believe how naughty the English version of this is, waiting for C*NTS next.
I don't thinks the word today was quite on the same level as CUNTS :D

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