Kate Bush Deep Cuts playlist sync

She literally said at the time something like 'I wanted to do a song about incest because no-one talks about it and I find it interesting'. Fair play really!
On the one hand, there's an excellent reason nobody talks about it and if I were her sibling I'd be locking the bedroom door.

On the other hand, that's fucking brilliant :disco:
21. Somewhere In Between
Aerial, 2005

"Oh how we have longed for something that would make us feel so..."

An ode to the spaces in between, the vacuum between this and that. Both the lyrics and production are majestic, and for me it's five minutes of beautiful meditative reflection.

Okay, this is a beaut. Also, she really did reach peak hotness in her 30s and 40s.
The production on Aerial is sublime. And this song, it's like an atmospheric groove or something, I feel like she's putting me in a happy gentle dancing daze!

Love the slight tease and delay before the chorus hits
The production on Aerial is sublime. And this song, it's like an atmospheric groove or something, I feel like she's putting me in a happy gentle dancing daze!

Love the slight tease and delay before the chorus hits
She really wasn't scared to let the songs breathe and they are just so AIRY as a result. "Atmospheric groove" - yes absolutely!
22. Jig of Life
Hounds of Love, 1985

"Where on your palm is my little line, where you're written in mine as an old memory?"

As we reach the penultimate track of our playlist, we pay one last visit to our drowning lady. Here, as she is on the verge of giving up hope and slipping into death, the spirit of her future self comes to visit her. Future Kate begs her to hold on - if she gives up, Future Kate will never exist ("Come on let me live!"). She rouses Kate out of her unconsciousness with a jig of life. Get dancing, girls!

23. Aerial
Aerial, 2005

"The dawn has come and the wine will run and the song must be sung and the flowers are melting in the sun"

Turn this one up! Kate spends the second side of the Aerial album exploring a day in nature with a focus on birds (oy oy @ButterTart). In this climactic final song of the suite, she tries to communicate directly with the birds, responding to their song with laughter. Use of language loses its meaning by the end and the chopped-up vocals mimic the abandon of her humanity in favour of a life soaring over the land as a bird. In the Hammersmith shows in 2014, the very final blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment saw Kate transform into a winged bird and fly off into the sky - it was amazing.

How was this possibly something you could easily miss?
She flapped about with one wing for a bit, then got up on top of a podium thing and when she unfurled her full wingspan they cut all the lights after about a second (at the very end of the song). It was INCREDIBLE.
How was this possibly something you could easily miss?

She was in a pitch black part of the stage while they put her onto an extendable electronic arm with giant wings connected, so you didn't see her get on it (there was a LOT of other things going on on the stage - complete chaos and pandemonium) then a spotlight went on her for literally a single second as the arm thrust her up, and then all the lights went out!

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