Moldova 2021 - Natalia Gordienko - Sugar

LOVE IT! I was almost as happy with this qualification as San Marino's!
Moopy's being salty because the Magnum Magnate delivered just as terrible a vocal but without the payoff. Talk about dirty money!

I got Type 1 and 2 DIABET from this scalding dog egg!
I'm not sure anyone's actually GENUINELY salty about Sugar qualifying - basically everyone's marvelling that this sizzling dog egg managed to qualify (REEKING of dirty money as it slinks past!) while being eminently thankful it did :disco:

they should focus on Portugal then!!

let’s stop pitting screeching harridans against each other!

dirty money! Let’s talk about those unlisted freezers full of Magnum Mint Melánge, SHALL WE??

With all due respect to SAM TEEN, I think we can safely dub queen Natalia the ICON of Eurovision 2021 :disco:

That note is just slaying me this morning. What a queen!
That dirty money note didn’t sound quite as bad on TV somehow, she might have sneaked it past some people by that unlikely bit of vibrato she capped it with :D

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