Star Trek: The Next Generation

Made it through episode 17 (sponsored by LSL's Electric), which means I'm quite far into episode 18. Is Master Crusher who Saru used to be? He's so tall and skinny it doesn't quite look real.

Thats a very interesting question that deserves Google. My guess is no given 31 years between the two.
I wonder why Wesley failed, surely not because he let his dead dad who is dead die again by not saving the guy too scared to walk through the steam (who obviously has not heard track 3 of The Sensual World then).
After being introduced to them in Discovery, I'm quite pleased to get a little more fleshed out as it were on the Klingon culture even if it's a little cheesy (but enough about the texture of their prosthetics).
I like the little tidbit about the howling being a ritual not before witnessed by non-Klingons as opposed to Data plugging a cable into one and scanning their entire history, or Deanna's vagina translation, etc. I have about 150 episodes left and I'd like it to go more this way.
In there being no combat placing those 2 renegades in custody, at least not yet, I'm now looking at the colours of the Stargleet uniform and it's actually very Mortal Kombat (for me anyway).
That the ship has a population onboard seemingly completely untrained whilst an armed Klingon runs through their lounge is rather hard to believe.
So quick skim reading on the UK air dates (since I thought this was an ITV broadcast programme) was rather interesting. Supposedly the head of BBC entertainment considered the show dreadful and this is also why BBC2 got it. I do wonder why another station didn't get it, and indeed what the real story indeed is.
Lentils are the medicine? I hope they don't get rid of the virus by farting it out (as in I do). A very potent substance indeed.
So these people are basically Big Pharma - they don't want a cure, but a dependency on their 72 hour immunity.
Oh the suspense is killing me - Crusher to launch into a performance of Like A Drug whilst these two get their own hit.
Hazell Dean and Wesley's drugz r bad exchange really was something. I need to re-watch it, the message just wasn't very clear.
Oh but hey, I guess they're also saying drug addicts aren't all bad people, so maybe it's not such an after school special after all.
I do like blond felicia addict. He looks like the guy from 90210 who looked about 15 years older than the rest.
I have no idea which episodes are which and I refuse to look. Its just fun reading the rambles of a madman.
Picard a huge Madge in Die Another Day fan then. The timelines do match despite the 1987 broadcast you know.
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The Mannheim effect? I would think this is now called the Dark effect (I must get back to that actually).
Did you skip episode 22 (‘Skin Of Evil’). You might want to watch that one.

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