Eurovision 2021: The Rehearsals

For a song which is just bellowing, she really isn’t projecting at all in that snippet.
Staging wise it’s like she was sent a list of options to select from and just responded with ‘yes’ written across it in eyeliner.

That is not going to win.

Whew...I thought this looked quite strong on the first rehearsal clip but this on screen clip is a total, mildly terrifying MESS!
I'd be gagged if that finishes top 10, that short clip alone felt like a MILLENNIUM.

I haven't even mentioned the silver metallic ANUS that's present at one point on screen behind him :hostage:
I hope Switzerland aren't going to win now thanks to moopy

Someone let me know when the odds drop substantially and I might chuck a bet on

I really like the song but he is just a bit too much for me in this.
Every time I see Samanta Tina, I think it's Caroline Stanbury. I'm not entirely convinced it's not Stanbury following a popstar dream she's always had, later in life. A great deal later in life.
Okay Switzerland do look terrible but I'm not convinced it writes him off completely based on that. It probably should though

Denmark is a bit wretched to watch, throwback joy or not. If they didn't have such a cushy slot they'd be out, and still might

Bulgarian breathy piss dribble clearly going to gobble up votes in its dreary vortex. When We're Old (which was MUCH better) had memorable staging and only came 12th so there is hope. Bring back the bangers, Bulgaria

Even more worrying is that rancid entry from Portugal. Who allows these terrible songs a good chance with decent imagery?!

Finland I don't care for, and Albania and Georgia too really which leaves..

QUEEN TEEN. Who gave us all you can expect with her noise art. I think she looks SPLENDID and I love that floor shot. She deserves to finish above all this lot today. Which of course she knows
Do we get press polls again?! What would Samanta think about being ranked below that miserable lot?

I feel the Portuguese staging is CHEATING somewhat?
Would they be able to get away with the projected walkway if the stage was surrounded by the bubbling cesspit of Euroloons of a normal year?

THAT SAID, it is very effective, and from the short clip alone probably the most memorable staging gimmick that I've seen this year so far...
I was amazed Portugal had been ruled out so quickly BY EVERYONE to be honest.
There is a tiny sliver of me that can't resent Portugal a qualifier, as they could use a break - if you take away their win in 2017, the last time they made the finals was 2010 :o

Did people ever talk of Denmark qualifying?

We just loved it, that’s all.
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I’d be CRUSHED if the Danes didn’t qualify :(

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